Thursday, August 5, 2010

Bible Study: the Gospel of John

The Baptizer’s Message and the Calling of the Disciples

The Pharisees sent priests and Levites to ask John, “Who are you?”

Why would they ask, “Are you Elijah?” (2 Kings 2: 11; Malachi 4:5; Matthew 17: 12)

Who are they talking about when they ask, “Are you the Prophet?” (Deuteronomy 18: 15—18)

What identity does the Baptizer claim? (Isaiah 40: 3—5)

To what is John referring when he calls Jesus “the Lamb of God?” (Exodus 12)

What experience is John recounting in John 1: 32—34? (Matthew 3: 13—17)

It appears that Andrew was a “disciple” of John the Baptist before he was a disciple of Jesus. Who may have been the other of the “two” mentioned in v. 35? (The film assumes this is the identity of the “other” disciple.)

What do you think of Philip’s “evangelism technique?” (v. 46)

In the span of two verses, Jesus is identified as both “Son of God” and “Son of Man.” This reference Jesus makes ties together two Old Testament events—what are they? What is Jesus saying here? (Genesis 28: 12; Daniel 7: 13)

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