Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Let Me Hear From You!

Thanks for taking the time to look at my blog. Please vote on the Indians poll and explore the links that are listed in the right column.

Also, please leave me a comment to let me know you stopped by. At the end of this (or any other) post, just click on "0 comments" or "1 comments" or whatever number appears there. Then type your comments into the box, and let me know who you are (otherwise it will post you as "anonymous.") I'd really appreciate your feedback. If you have a link you'd like me to add, let me know and I'll consider it.

In addition, I've added a feature that enables you to e-mail the content of any post that is on my blog. Simply click on the envelope icon that appears at the end of the post you'd like to send, enter the information requested, and send it off.

Again, thanks for your interest in The Lake County Lutheran! Please share this site with anyone you think might like it.


Anonymous said...

Hi, I really like that I can send your blog messages to my friends. Some of them are even Lutheran. Am I allowed to dome some "sheep stealing"? Is your blog something you would want some PR about? LMK

Anonymous said...

And the internet connection goes one further now! I'm so glad you've set this up! It's wonderful and I will definitely keep coming back to keep reading what you post! Thank you Pastor for continuing to reach out to people, you're the best! Barbara Smith

Mark said...

Thanks for the kind words. No "sheep stealing" of course, but please send whatever you want to whomever you want. PR is fine--whatever gets people into the Word.

Shepherd Ron said...

WOW... a blogging Pastor!!

We do have it all at St. Pauls!!

Sorry I cannot really comment on the Tribe as I follow the CWS as you know. However, I do wish them well in their serach for a contemporary World Series Championship.... like that of my SOX!

May the Holy Spirit continue to work in and through you to reach and to teach others with the Gospel of Jesus Christ.